Miller Rabin Overview
The Miller Rabin primality test is a probabilistic primality test. It can tell you if a number is probably prime. The test is based on something that comes as a consequence of Fermat’s Little Theorem which states
\[a^{p-1} \equiv 1 \pmod p\]Which implies \(a^{p-1} - 1\equiv 0 \pmod p \). So p must divide \( a^{p-1}-1 \) if it is prime.
Since p is an odd prime p-1 is even, so \(p-1 = 2^k * q \) for some odd q. This means we can take the square root of (\( a^{p-1} \)) \( k \) times. So \( (a^{p-1}-1) \) can be written as a difference of squares.
a^{p-1}-1 &= (a^{\frac{p-1}{2}} + 1)(a^{\frac{p-1}{2}} - 1)
&= (a^{\frac{p-1}{2}} + 1)(a^{\frac{p-1}{4}} + 1)(a^{\frac{p-1}{4}} - 1)
&= (a^{\frac{p-1}{2}} + 1)(a^{\frac{p-1}{4}} + 1) \cdots (a^{\frac{p-1}{2^k}} + 1)(a^{\frac{p-1}{2^k}} - 1)
Thus if p is prime it must divide one of the above factors.
Further Explanation
We can see that the last term \( (a^{\frac{p-1}{2^k}} - 1) \) is congruent to 1 mod n
\[a^{\frac{p-1}{2^k}} - 1 \equiv 0 \pmod p \to a^{\frac{p-1}{2^k}} \equiv 1 \pmod p\]We can also see every other term is congruent to -1
\[a^{\frac{p-1}{2^k}} + 1 \equiv 0 \pmod p \to a^{\frac{p-1}{2^k}} \equiv -1 \pmod p\]And \( -1 \pmod p = p -1 \). So if \( a \equiv -1 \pmod p \) then \( a \pmod p = (p - 1) \). We’ll use this in the actual implementation.
In this context test fails means its probably prime.
- If n is even or \( 1 < \gcd(a,n) < n \) return composite.
- Write \( n-1 = 2^k q \) with q odd.
- Set \( a \equiv a^q \pmod n \).
- If \( a \equiv 1 \pmod n \), return Test Fails.
- Loop \(i = 0,1,2,…,k-1 \)
- If \( a \equiv -1 \pmod n \), return Test Fails.
- Set \( a \equiv a^2 \pmod n \).
- Increment i and loop again at step 5.
- Return composite.
The most important part of the code is the strongPrimeTest
strongPrimeTest :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
strongPrimeTest n b | (gcd n b) /= 1 = False
| mpow b q n == 1 = True
| mpow b q n == (n - 1) = True
| otherwise = testSquares (k - 1) n $ mpow b q n
k = findk $ n - 1
q = findq $ n - 1
testSquares i n b | i < 0 = False
| (mpow b 2 n) == (n - 1) = True
| otherwise = testSquares (i - 1) n (mpow b 2 n)
This is a fairly direct translation of the algorithm. mpow = powMod
is a modular power function
for computing modular exponents effectively. b
is the base being tested as a witness for the primality
of n
The millerRabin
routine selects random bases to test against its input n
. It also handles some
corner cases, such as is it negative, is it even, etc.
millerRabin :: (RandomGen g) => Integer -> g -> Bool
millerRabin n g | n < 2 = False --2 is first prime and all primes are positive
| n == 2 = True --2 is prime
| even n = False --all other primes are odd
| otherwise = checkRandomBases n 10 [x | x <- (randInt (n - 1) g), odd x]
checkRandomBases :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Bool
checkRandomBases n iters (r:rs) | iters == 0 = True --all tests passed
| strongPrimeTest n r == False = False
| otherwise = checkRandomBases n (iters - 1) rs
This is the actual implementation in use in a program to generate large primes.
import Prelude
import Math.NumberTheory.Roots
import System.Random
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Modular
isqrt = integerSquareRoot
mpow = powMod --modular power function, this one is deprecated, but it was easier to get working
-- mpow b e m = (b^e) `mod` m --modular power --this one is naive it will die for large nums
-------------------------RANDOM NUMBERS-----------------------
randBits :: (RandomGen g) => Integer -> g -> [Integer] --return stream of random numbers of n bits
randBits nbits = randomRs (2^nbits, 2^(nbits+1) - 1)
randInt :: (RandomGen g) => Integer -> g -> [Integer] --return stream of random nums in range
randInt n = randomRs (2, n - 1)
--find k such that n = 2^k * q where q is some odd
findk :: Integer -> Integer
findk n = if n==0 then 0 else findkhelp n 0
findkhelp n k | odd n = k
| otherwise = findkhelp (div n 2) (k+1)
findq :: Integer -> Integer --find q s.t n = 2^k * q, constraints n > 0
findq n = if even n then findq (div n 2) else n
strongPrimeTest :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
strongPrimeTest n b | (gcd n b) /= 1 = False
| mpow b q n == 1 = True
| mpow b q n == (n - 1) = True
| otherwise = testSquares (k - 1) n $ mpow b q n --loop part of algorithm
k = findk $ n - 1
q = findq $ n - 1
testSquares i n b | i < 0 = False
| (mpow b 2 n) == (n - 1) = True
| otherwise = testSquares (i - 1) n (mpow b 2 n)
millerRabin :: (RandomGen g) => Integer -> g -> Bool
millerRabin n g | n < 2 = False --2 is first prime and all primes are positive
| n == 2 = True --2 is prime
| even n = False --all other primes are odd
| otherwise = checkRandomBases n 10 [x | x <- (randInt (n - 1) g), odd x]
checkRandomBases :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Bool
checkRandomBases n iters (r:rs) | iters == 0 = True --all tests passed
| strongPrimeTest n r == False = False
| otherwise = checkRandomBases n (iters - 1) rs
--Alias for millerRabin
isprime :: (RandomGen g) => Integer -> g -> Bool
isprime = millerRabin
genPrime :: (RandomGen g) => Integer -> g -> Integer
genPrime nBits g | nBits < 2 = error "Smallest prime cannot fit in less than 2 bits"
| otherwise = findPrime (randBits nBits g) g
where findPrime (r:rs) g | isprime r g = r
| otherwise = findPrime rs g
printUsage = do
putStr "Usage: genPrime [nbits]\n"
putStr " Prints a prime number with the specified number of bits\n"
putStr " example: 'genPrime 100' creates and prints a 100 bit prime number\n"
main = do
g <- getStdGen
args <- getArgs
if length args /= 1 then
else do
let nBits = read (args !! 0) :: Integer
print ( genPrime nBits g)